Tropisch, Strand, Storm, Onweer, PolynesiË, Fakarava, Tuamotu, Palm, Boom, Wind, Frans-polynesiË, Windy, Blow, Blowing, Paradijs, Vakantie, Exotisch, Jungle, Kust, Zand, Palm Boom, Palmen, Bomen, Zee, Oceaan, Water, Paradijs-eiland, Landschap, Landschappen, Stranden, Weer, Hemel, Wolk, Wolken, Bewolk, Vrije Tijd, Bos, Hout, Zeegezicht, Waterschap
Photo wallpaper & non-woven wallpaper
With wallpaper you provide every wall with a unique atmosphere. You will find two types of wallpaper with us: seamless photo wallpaper and non-woven wallpaper. You determine the size and the crop, matching your wall.
- Seamless photo wallpaper is made of airtex (flexible plastic, 330 gr./m2) and consists of one piece. It is flexible, UV-light and water-resistant and can withstand a knock.
- Non-woven wallpaper (ProVlies mat, 200 gr./m2) consists of multiple strips. It has a matt appearance and flat structure. Non-woven wallpaper is strong and does not tear or shrink.
Our wallpaper can be supplied with wallpaper paste and/or a wallpaper set. Read more about wallpaper here.